My Edge, My Vision
People make all the difference in your life. It is something that I have known for a long time, yet have not emphasized enough for myself. Humility is the best leadership — but is it really for women?
It was not until two years ago that a female leader made all the difference in my views about what I can achieve and what value I bring to the organization. The message was clear: Own it! And for heaven’s sake — connect and speak about it.
Because of this, I am working on a series of articles, this is the first. I will let you in on my vision and my values, as a leader, and the topics I know I can make a valuable contribution to including the following:
· Tools & Systems — Digital Transformation
· Innovation & Learning — Curious Growth Mindset
· People — Strength-based Development
· Diversity — Women & Leadership
I also write this with intent. Today, and more than ever, people need a tribe, a community they belong to and thrive, forcing us to do better. I want to showcase my very personal way of doing this by building that community for me, my organization, the people and topics I support.
I invite you to accompany me along the way and to see what can happen with a little effort, communication and courage to put yourself out there.
Hop on, comment, critique, value, support, think differently — all of which will help me and those around me to become better than before. We are better and stronger together. Click here and read the first article on Digital Tranformation.